Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 305
CPLDfit Options
–slew (Set Slew Rate)
-slew [fast|slow|auto]
The -slew option specifies the default slew rate for output pins. Fast and slow are self-
explanatory. The auto setting allows CPLDfit to choose which slew rate to use based on the
timing constraints. The default setting is fast.
–terminate (Set to Termination Mode)
-terminate [pullup|keeper|float]
The -terminate option globally sets all inputs and tristatable outputs to the specified form
of termination. Not all termination modes exist for each architecture. The available modes
for each architecture follow (default in parentheses):
XC9500 XL/ XV: Float, Keeper (keeper)
CoolRunner XPLA3: Float, Pullup (pullup)
CoolRunner-II: Float, Pullup, Keeper (float)
–unused (Set Termination Mode of Unused I/Os)
-unused [ground|pulldown|pullup|keeper|float]
The -unused option specifies how unused pins are terminated. Not all options are
available for all architectures. The allowable options follow (default in parentheses):
XC9500 /XL/XV: Float, Ground (float)
CoolRunner XPLA3: Float, Pullup (pullup)
CoolRunner-II: Float, Ground, Pullup, Keeper (ground)
–wysiwyg (Do Not Perform Optimization)
The -wysiwyg option directs CPLDfit to not perform any optimization on the design
provided to it. This option is off by default.