Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 71
Tcl Commands for General Usage
analysis_name specifies the name of the analysis to delete.
disable_constraints (disable timing constraints)
The timing_analysis disable_constraints command disables a physical timing constraint from
the timing analysis.
timing_analysis disable_constraints <analysis_name> <timing_constraint_specs>
timing_analysis is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
disable_constraints is the name of the timing_analysis subcommand.
analysis_name specifies the name of an analysis created with the timing_analysis new
timing_constraint_specs specifies the names and specs to be disabled for analysis.
disable_cpt (disable components for path tracing control)
The timing_analysis disable_cpt command disables components associated with a path
tracing control for a timing path analysis.
% timing_analysis disable_cpt <analysis_name> <cpt_symbol> <component_name>
timing_analysis is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
disable_cpt is the name of the timing_analysis subcommand.
analysis_name specifies the name of the analysis generated previously with the
timing_analysis new command.
cpt_symbol specifies a path tracing control that determines whether associated components
are considered for the timing path analysis.
Example: % timing_analysis delete stopwatch_timing
Description: In this example, the timing_analysis delete command is used to
remove the stopwatch_timing analysis, which was previously
created with the timing_analysis new command.
Tcl Return: 0 if the analysis was deleted, 1 otherwise.
Example: % timing_analysis disable_constraints
stopwatch_timing “TS_clk=PERIOD
TIMINGROUP\”sclk\”20 ns HIGH 50.00000%;”
Description: In this example, the specified timing constraints were disabled for
the analysis.
Tcl Return: Number of constraints that were disabled.