Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 125
NGDBuild Options
–modular module (Active Module Implementation)
–modular module -active module_name
This option supports current FPGA devices. You cannot use NCD files from previous
software releases with Modular Design in this release. You must generate new NCD files with the
current release of the software.
The –modular module option starts the second phase of the Modular Design flow. In this
“Active Module Implementation” phase, each team member creates an NGD file with just
the specified “active” module expanded. This NGD file is named after the top-level design.
Run this option from the active module directory. This directory should include the active
module netlist file and the top-level UCF file generated during the Initial Budgeting phase.
You must specify the name of the active module after the –active option, and use the top-
level NGO file as the input design file.
After running this option, you can then run MAP and PAR to create a Physically
Implemented Module (PIM). Then, you must run PIMCreate to publish the PIM to the
PIMs directory. PIMCreate copies the local, implemented module file, including the NGO,
NGM and NCD files, to the appropriate module directory inside the PIMs directory and
renames the files to module_name.extension.
To run PIMCreate, type the following on the command line:
pimcreate pim_directory -ncd
When running Modular Design in an Incremental Guide flow, run NGDBuild with the –pimpath
and –use_pim options normally reserved for the –modular assemble option.
–nt (Netlist Translation Type)
–nt {timestamp | on | off}
The –nt option determines how timestamps are treated by the Netlist Launcher when it is
invoked by NGDBuild. A timestamp is information in a file that indicates the date and
time the file was created. The timestamp option (which is the default if no –nt option is
specified) instructs the Netlist Launcher to perform the normal timestamp check and
update NGO files according to their timestamps. The on option translates netlists
regardless of timestamps (rebuilding all NGO files), and the off option does not rebuild an
existing NGO file, regardless of its timestamp.
–p (Part Number)
–p part
The –p option specifies the part into which the design is implemented. The –p option can
specify an architecture only, a complete part specification (device, package, and speed), or
a partial specification (for example, device and package only).
The syntax for the –p option is described in “–p (Part Number)” in Chapter 1. Examples of
part entries are XCV50-TQ144 and XCV50-TQ144-5.
When you specify the part, the NGD file produced by NGDBuild is optimized for mapping
into that architecture.