Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 191
Turns Engine (PAR Multi-Tasking Option)
• PAR_M_DEBUG—Causes the Turns Engine to run in debug mode. If the Turns
Engine is causing errors that are difficult to correct, you can run PAR in debug mode
as follows:
♦ Set the PAR_M_DEBUG variable:
setenv PAR_M_DEBUG 1
♦ Create a node list file containing only a single entry (one node). This single entry
is necessary because if the node list contains multiple entries, the debug
information from all of the nodes is intermixed, and troubleshooting is difficult.
♦ Run PAR with the –m (multi-tasking mode) option. In debug mode, all of the
output from all commands generated by the PAR run is echoed to the screen.
There are also additional checks performed in debug mode, and additional
information supplied to aid in solving the problem.
• PAR_M_SETUPFILE—See “System Requirements” for a discussion of this variable.
With the Turns Engine you may receive messages from the login process. The problems are
usually related to the network or to environment variables.
• Network Problem—You may not be able to logon to the machines listed in the
nodelist file.
♦ Use the following command to contact the nodes:
You should get a message that the machine is running. The ping command should
also be in your path (UNIX cmd: which ping).
♦ Try to logon to the nodes using the command rsh machine_ name. You should be
able to logon to the machine. If you cannot, make sure rsh is in your path (UNIX
cmd: which rsh). If rsh is in your path, but you still cannot logon, contact your
network administrator.
♦ Try to launch PAR on a node by entering the following command.
rsh machine_name
/bin/sh –c par.
This is the same command that the Turns Engine uses to launch PAR. If this
command is successful, everything is set up correctly for the machine_name node.
• Environment Problem—logon to the node with the problem by entering the following
UNIX command:
Check the $XILINX, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and $PATH variables by entering the
UNIX command echo $ variable_name. If these variables are not set correctly, check to
make sure these variables are defined in your .cshrc file.
Some, but not all, errors in reading the .cshrc may prevent the rest of the file from being
read. These errors may need to be corrected before the XILINX environment variables in the
.cshrc are read. The error message /bin/sh: par not found indicates that the environment in the
.cshrc file is not being correctly read by the node.