Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 393
NGDBuild File Names and Locations
Example 4: User Rule
Following is a another example of a User Rule:
// URF Example 4
NetlistFile = state.edf;
TargetExtension = .ngo;
Netlister = state2ngd;
Although the NetlistFile is a complete file name, this user rule also matches the system rule
EDF_RULE (shown in “Example 1: EDF_RULE System Rule”), because the extensions of
NetlistFile and TargetExtension match. When the Netlist Launcher tries to make a file
called state.ngo, it uses this rule instead of the system rule EDF_RULE (assuming that
state.edf exists). As with the previous example, the unspecified settings are inherited from
the matching system rule. The only change is that the fictitious program state2ngd is used
in place of EDIF2NGD.
Note that if EDF_LIB_RULE (from the example in “Example 3: User Rule”) and this rule
were both in the user rules file, STATE_EDF_RULE includes the modifications made by
EDF_LIB_RULE. So a lower-level state.edf is translated by running state2ngd with the “-l
xilinxun” option.
NGDBuild File Names and Locations
Following are some notes about file names in NGDBuild:
• An intermediate file has the same root name as the design that produced it. An
intermediate file is generated when more than one netlist reader is needed to translate
a netlist to a NGO file.
• Netlist root file names in the search path must be unique. For example, if you have the
design state.edn, you cannot have another design named state in any of the
directories specified in the search path.
• NGDBuild and the Netlist Launcher support quoted file names. Quoted file names
may have special characters (for example, a space) that are not normally allowed.
• If the output directory specified in the call to NGDBuild is not writable, an error is
displayed and NGDBuild fails.