360 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 23: XFLOW
XFLOW Option Files
Option files contain the options for all programs run in a flow. These files have an .opt
extension. Xilinx provides option files for each flow type, as described in the different
sections of “XFLOW Flow Types”. You can also create your own option files.
If you want to create your own option files, Xilinx recommends that you make a copy of an
existing file, rename it, and then modify it.
Option File Format
Option files are in ASCII format. They contain program blocks that correspond to the
programs listed in the flow files. Option file program blocks list the options to run for each
program. Program options can be command line options or parameter files.
• Command Line Options
For information on the different command line options for each program, see the
program-specific chapters of this guide, or from the command line type the program
name followed by –h on the command line. Some options require that you specify a
particular file or value.
• Parameter files
Parameter files specify parameters for a program. Parameters are written into the
specified file. For example, Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) uses a script file to
execute its command line options:
Program xst
-ifn <design>_xst.scr;
-ofn <design>_xst.log;
ParamFile: <design>_xst.scr
"-ifn <synthdesign>";
"-ifmt Verilog";
"-ofn <design>.ngc";
End ParamFile
End Program xst
Note: You can use variables for the file names listed in the Option Files. For example, if you specify
<design>.vhd as an input file, XFLOW automatically reads the VHDL file in your working directory
as the input file.