392 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Appendix :
The EDF_RULE instructs the Netlist Launcher to use EDIF2NGD to translate an EDIF file
to an NGO file. If the top-level netlist is being translated, the options defined in
NetlisterTopOptions are used; if a lower-level netlist is being processed, the options
defined by NetlisterOptions are used. Because NetlisterDirectory is NONE, the Netlist
Launcher runs EDIF2NGD in the current working directory (the one from which
NGDBuild was launched). The launcher expects EDIF2NGD to issue a return code of 0 if it
was successful; any other value is interpreted as failure.
Example 2: User Rule
Following is a another example of a User Rule:
// URF Example 2
RuleName = OTHER_RULE; // end-of-line comments are also allowed
NetlistFile = .oth;
TargetExtension = .edf;
Netlister = other2edf;
NetlisterOptions = "$INFILE $OUTFILE";
NetlisterSuccessStatus = 1;
The user rule OTHER_RULE defines a completely new translation, from a hypothetical
OTH file to an EDIF file. To do this translation, the other2edf program is used. The options
defined by NetlisterOptions are used for translating all OTH files, regardless of whether
they are top-level or lower-level netlists (because no explicit NetlisterTopOptions is given).
The launcher expects other2edf to issue a return code of 1 if it was successful; any other
value be interpreted as failure.
After the Netlist Launcher uses OTHER_RULE to run other2edf and create an EDIF file, it
uses the EDF_RULE system rule (shown in the preceding section) to translate the EDIF file
to an NGO file.
Example 3: User Rule
Following is a another example of a User Rule:
// URF Example 3
RuleName = EDF_LIB_RULE;
NetlistFile = .edf;
TargetExtension = .ngo;
NetlisterOptions = "-l xilinxun $INFILE $OUTFILE";
Because both the NetlistFile and TargetExtension of this user rule match those of the
system rule EDF_RULE (shown in “Example 1: EDF_RULE System Rule”), the
EDF_LIB_RULE overrides the EDF_RULE system rule. Any settings that are not defined
by the EDF_LIB_RULE are inherited from EDF_RULE. So EDF_LIB_RULE uses the same
netlister (EDIF2NGD), the same top-level options, the same directory, and expects the
same success status as EDF_RULE. However, when translating lower-level netlists, the
options used are only “–l xilinxun $INFILE $OUTFILE.” (There is no reason to use “–l
xilinxun” on EDIF2NGD; this is for illustrative purposes only.)