Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 171
PAR Options
You can override the placer level set by the –ol option by entering a –pl (Placer Effort Level)
option, and you can override the router level by entering a –rl (Router Effort Level) option.
par -ol high design.ncd output.ncd design.pcf
–p (No Placement)
The –p option bypasses the placer and proceeds to the routing phase. A design must be
fully placed when using this option or PAR will issue an error message and exit. When you
use this option, existing routes are ripped up before routing begins. You can, however,
leave the routing in place if you use the –k option instead of the –p option.
par -p design.ncd output.ncd design.pcf
Note: The –p option is recommended when you have an MFP or UCF written from Floorplanner or
wish to maintain a previous NCD placement but run the router again.
–pl (Placer Effort Level)
–pl placer_effort_level
The –pl option sets the placer effort level. The effort level specifies the level of effort used
when placing the design. This option overrides the setting specified for the –ol option. For
a description of effort level, see “–ol (Overall Effort Level)”.
The placer_effort_level setting is std, med, or high, and the default level set if you do not
enter a –pl option is determined by the setting of the –ol option.
par -pl high placed_design.ncd output.ncd design.pcf
–power (Power Aware PAR)
The –power option optimizes the capacitance of non-timing driven design signals. The
default setting for this option is off.
–r (No Routing)
Use the –r option to prevent the routing of a design. The –r option causes the design to exit
before the routing stage.
par -r design.ncd route.ncd design.pcf
–rl (Router Effort Level)
–rl router_effort_level
The –rl option sets the router effort level. The effort level specifies the level of effort used
when routing the design. This option overrides the setting for the –ol option. For a
description of effort level, see “–ol (Overall Effort Level)”.
The router_effort_level setting is std, med, or high, and the default level set if you do not
enter a –rl option is determined by the setting of the –ol option. In the example that follows,
the placement level is at std (default) and the router level is at the highest effort level.
par -rl high design.ncd output.ncd design.pcf