Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 291
PROMGen Examples
PROMGen Examples
To load the file test.bit up from address 0x0000 in MCS format, enter the following
information at the command line:
promgen –u 0 test
To daisy-chain the files test1.bit and test2.bit up from address 0x0000 and the files test3.bit
and test4.bit from address 0x4000 while using a 32K PROM and the Motorola EXORmax
format, enter the following information at the command line:
promgen –s 32 –p exo –u 00 test1 test2 –u 4000 test3 test4
To load the file test.bit into the PROM programmer in a downward direction starting at
address 0x400, using a Xilinx XC1718D PROM, enter the following information at the
command line:
promgen –x xc1718d –u 0 test
To specify a PROM file name that is different from the default file name enter the following
information at the command line:
promgen options filename –o newfilename