82 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 3: Tcl
file_name specifies the name of the file you wish to remove from the project.
Note: When you remove a file, objects within the current ISE project may be invalidated (e.g.,
partitions and instances).
Tcl Commands for Advanced Scripting
Xilinx Tcl commands for advanced scripting use objects and collections. An object can be
any element in an ISE project, like an instance, file, or process. Collections return groups of
objects, based on values that you assign to object and collection variables.
In Tcl, the set command is used to assign a value to a variable, which is returned with the
dollar sign ($) syntax, as shown in many examples throughout this section. It is not
necessary to declare a Tcl variable before it is used. When the variable does not exist, it is
created when the command is executed.
The collection command and its relative subcommands are used to create and manage large
groups of objects. The search command is used with the collection command to define the
value of the collection.
This section describes the Xilinx Tcl commands for advanced scripting. To view a sample
script of how these commands are used, see the “Sample Tcl Script for Advanced
Scripting” at the end of this chapter.
collection (create and manage a collection)
A collection is a group of Xilinx Tcl objects, similar to a list, that is exported to the Tcl
interface. The collection command, in conjunction with its subcommands, is used to create
and manage the objects in a specified collection.
A collection is referenced in Tcl by a collection variable, which is defined with the collection
set command. Technically, the value of the collection variable is the collection.
The following syntax shows the collection command and its subcommands. Please refer to
the description of each collection subcommand for an example of how the subcommand is
used. Command line syntax is unique to each subcommand.
% collection <subcommand> <optional_arguments>
append_to (add objects to a collection)
The collection append_to command adds objects to a collection. This command treats a
specified collection variable as a collection and appends all of the objects returned from a
search, or from another collection, to the collection. If the collection variable does not exist,
then it is created when the command is executed.
% collection append_to <collection_variable> <objects_to_append> [-unique]
collection is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
append_to is the name of the collection subcommand.
Example: % xfile remove stopwatch.vhd
Description: In this example, the stopwatch.vhd file is removed from the current
ISE project.
Tcl Return: True if the file was removed; false otherwise.