Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 67
Tcl Commands for General Usage
properties (list project properties)
The project properties command lists all of the project properties for the specified process or
% project properties [-process <process_name>][-instance <instance_name]
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
properties is the name of the project subcommand.
-process <process_name> limits the properties listed to only those for the specified process.
By default, the properties for all synthesis and implementation processes are listed. You
can also specify all to list the properties for all project processes.
-instance <instance_name> limits the properties listed to only those of the specified instance.
If no instance name is specified, the properties for the top-level instance are listed. You can
also specify top to specify the top-level instance.
You can
To get processes information for a specific instance, use the project get_processes
command. To get property information for specific properties like family, device, and speed, see the
project set options in this section for more information.
set (set project properties, values, and options)
The project set command is used to set properties and values for the current ISE project. In
addition to setting family and device-specific properties and values, the project set
command is also used to set options for the batch application tools, including XST,
NGDBuild, MAP, PAR, TRACE, and BitGen.
The set subcommand uses two arguments. The first argument assigns the name of the
property or variable; and the second argument assigns the value.
% project set <property_name> <property_value>
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
set is the name of the project subcommand.
property_name specifies the name of the property, variable or batch application option.
property_value specifies the value of the property, variable, or batch application option.
Example: % project properties -process all
Description: In this example, the project properties command is used to list the
properties for all of the available processes for the current ISE
Tcl Return: The available process properties as a Tcl list. In this example, a list
of all process properties.