8.5.1 How to register scan channel groups
You can register ITU and user scan channels as follows:
1. Press the function key F5 then the 3 key to open the [Scan Entry] screen.
2. If [Create] is not underlined, press the →, ↑ and Enter keys to underline it.
3. With [Group Name] selected, enter a suitable group name.
Note 1: 10 group names can be entered. If you attempt to enter more, the mes-
sage "Scan group memory is full. Press any key to escape." appears. Press any
key then delete unnecessary group names to enter new ones.
Note 2: If the group name already exists, the message "Scan group by that name
already exists. Press any key to escape." appears. Press any key and change the
scan group name.
4. Press the ↓ key to select [Ch Dwell Time]. Enter channel dwell time in seconds.
Dwell time is the time in seconds the receiver waits on each channel in a scan
group before it selects the next frequency.
5. Press the ↓ key to select [(Receiving) Mode] then select the receiving mode;
[AUTO], [ARQ] or [FEC].
Note: [AUTO] is used to register a scanning channel group when both [ARQ] and
[FEC] exist in the same Scanning Channel Group. When you select a scan group
by the [Call Station] menu, the communication mode is controlled by the station
entry’s mode.
6. Press the ↓ key to select [Auto Search]. Select [ON] or [OFF].
[ON]: The radio stops scanning when it finds the strongest signal (highest S/N ra-
tio). To find the strongest signal, the radio scans all channels, which can take
some time. Therefore, use this setting where the signal propagation is poor.
[OFF]: The radio stops scanning on the first signal it finds. It is recommended to
select [OFF] when the signal propagation is good.
7. Press the ↓ key to select line No. 1 in the [Scanning Set Up] window.
Group Name
1: [Mode] for IB-583
2: Only for IB-583
Press the key to scroll the screen.