the coast station, a new answerback code must be entered. Contact FURUNO or an
authorized FURUNO agent or dealer to enter a new answerback code.
How to register scan groups
The central system emits a free-signal to indicate a coast station radio channel is in
idle condition and available for ship-to-shore calls. The free-signal is detected and rec-
ognized by the shipboard equipment as a permission to start the transmission. Then,
the shipboard operator initiates a call.
You can automatically scan search for the free-signal by registering coast station radio
channels in scan group(s). The procedure to register scan groups for coast station use
is the same as that which appears in paragraph 8.5.1.
How to register stations
The next step is to enter station name. The procedure is the same as that shown in
paragraph 8.3.1.
10.9.3 Commands
The following tables describe the commands for macro operation.
(Prefixed with @)
Parameter Content
CALL S: Station Name Calling station name and ID on
assigned parameter
FREE (support command
for CALL)
Two digits, 0-99 min Free-channel signal searching
time according to assigned pa-
rameter (default setting: 10 min)
$R$ Detect free-channel signal of
200 ms dot pattern
$RR$ Detect free-channel signal of
300 ms dot pattern
$RRR$ (default) Detect free-channel signal of
400 ms dot pattern
$RRRR$ Detect free-channel signal of
500 ms dot pattern
$RRRRR$ Detect free-channel signal of
600 ms dot pattern
$RRRRRR$ Detect free-channel signal of
700 ms dot pattern
$RRRRRRR$ Detect free-channel signal of
800 ms dot pattern
$RRRRRRRR$ Detect free-channel signal of
900 ms dot pattern
The combination of two
capital letters and "c".
For example: $EcR$
Detect free-channel signal like
ARQ call block E, RQ, R for rep-
etition signal RQ.