with the party you called. The elapsed time since starting communication is dis-
Note: When you receive this ABLE ACK on the working frequcency in on hook
condition, END OF CALL is sent automatically. The communication is disconnect-
2. To quit the communications, do one of the following.
• On hook the handset or press the CANCEL key. END OF CALL is sent auto-
matically. The waiting ACK for END OF CALL screen appears. When you re-
ceive the ACK, rotate the ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the knob.
• When the PSTN line is disconnected by the coast station, you receive the END
OF ACK message. Rotate the ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the
Unable acknowledge message received
When you receive an unable acknowledge message, the audio alarm sounds and a
pop-up message appears. Rotate the ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the
5.8.2 How to receive a PSTN call
When a PSTN call is received, the icon appears in the tab area. An able/unable
acknowledge is sent automatically according to the setting of [PSTN] on the [ACK
• [AUTO (ABLE)]: The automatic able acknowledge (which means you can call with
party) is sent.
• [AUTO (UNABLE)]: The automatic unable acknowledge (which means you cannot
call with party) is sent.
Able acknowledgement
The automatic able acknowledge is sent and the pop-up message "PSTN connected
pick up HANDSET!" appears.
Note: If you have already picked up the handset before the pop-up message appears,
a pop-up message which suggests you to push the ENTER knob appears. Push the
ENTER knob to accept.
1. Pick up the handset. When you receive PSTN ACK of connection, the screen for
telephone calling appears. Communicate with the party. The elapsed time since
starting communication is displayed.
2. To quit the communication, do one of the following.
• On hook the handset or press the CANCEL key. END OF CALL is sent auto-
matically. The waiting ACK for END OF CALL screen appears. When you re-
ceive the ACK, rotate the ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the knob.
• When the PSTN line is disconnected by the coast station, you receive the END
OF ACK message. Rotate the ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the
After disconnection of PSTN line, the charge information is sent.