10.7 Scanning
The radio equipment scans a group of operator-selected frequencies (channels), and
stops scanning when a signal is received. See section 8.5 for registeration of scan
1. Press the function key F3 then the 5 key to open [Scanning Group List]. You can
confirm the scan channel by pressing the ↑ or ↓ key while pressing the Shift key.
2. Press the ↑ or ↓ key to select a scan group then press the Enter key. The scan-
ning starts and the indication "Scan" appears in reverse video. Further, the name
of the scan group appears in the [Station Name] field.
Communication status screen
3. Press the function key F3 then the 5 key to stop scanning. "Scan" disappears from
the communication status screen.
10.8 Communication Buffer
The communication buffer is a temporary memory which stores the transmitted and
received messages. To display the contents of the communication buffer, do the fol-
1. If open, close the [Edit] window 1 or 2, pop-up, or menu.
2. Press the Pg Up or Page Up, or Pg Dn or Page Down key. The contents of the
communication buffer are displayed.
Press the P key while pressing the Ctrl key to print them. Press the function key F1
then the 9 key to erase the contents of the buffer. To erase the contents from the
screen, do one of the following:
• Press the Pg Dn or Page Down key on the last page.
• Press the ↓ key at the bottom line.
• Press the Esc key.