
104 Section 7: Exchanging Messages Section 7: Exchanging Messages
Section 7: Exchanging Messages Section 7: Exchanging Messages
To receive attachments:
An attachment sent with an e-mail message or downloaded
from the server appears below the subject of the message.
Tapping the attachment opens the attachment if it has been
fully downloaded, or marks it for download the next time you
send and receive e-mail. You can also download attachments
automatically with your messages if you have an Outlook
e-mail or IMAP4 e-mail account.
If you have an Outlook e-mail account, do the following on
your PC:
1. Tap Start > Programs > Microsoft ActiveSync.
2. Tap Tools > Options.
3. Tap E-mail > Settings, and then select Include
File Attachments.
If you have an IMAP4 E-mail account with an Internet service
provider (ISP) or an account that you access using a VPN server
connection (typically a work account), do the following:
1. Tap Start > Messaging.
2. Tap Menu > Tools > Options.
3. Tap the name of the IMAP4 account.
4. Tap Next until you reach Server information, and then
tap Options.
5. Tap Next twice, and select Get full copy of messages and
When getting full copy, get attachments.
Download Messages
The manner in which you download messages depends the type
of account you have:
To send and receive e-mail for an Outlook e-mail account,
begin synchronization through ActiveSync. For more
information, see “Synchronize Outlook Information” in
Section 4.