
110 Section 7: Exchanging Messages Section 7: Exchanging Messages
Section 7: Exchanging Messages Section 7: Exchanging Messages
To sign out, tap Menu > Sign Out. Your status changes
to Offline.
To add or delete contacts:
To add a contact, tap Menu > Add a Contact, and then
follow the instructions on the screen.
To delete a contact, tap and hold the contact’s name, and
then tap Delete Contact from the shortcut menu.
To send an instant message:
1. Tap the contact to whom you want to send a message.
2. Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom
of the screen, and then tap Send.
To quickly add common phrases, tap Menu > My Text and
select a phrase in the list.
To block or unblock contacts:
To block a contact from seeing your status and sending
you messages, tap and hold the contact, and then tap
Block from the shortcut menu.
To unblock a contact, tap and hold the name of the
blocked contact, and then tap Unblock from the
shortcut menu.
To check your own Messenger status:
Tap and hold your own name at the top of the page. Your
current status is indicated in the displayed list by a
bullet point.
To change your display name:
1. Tap Menu > Options > Messenger tab.
2. Enter the name you want to display to others in
MSN Messenger.