64 Section 5: Managing Your PPC-6700Section 5: Managing Your PPC-6700
Section 5: Managing Your PPC-6700Section 5: Managing Your PPC-6700
To change the device name:
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab >About > Device ID tab.
2. Enter a name:
The device name must begin with a letter, consist of letters
from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, and cannot contain spaces.
Use the underscore character to separate words.
Why is the device name important?
The device name is used to identify the device in the following
Synchronizing with a PC.
Connecting to a network.
Restoring information from a backup.
If you synchronize multiple devices with the same PC, each
device must have a unique name.
To make the battery last longer:
The device battery power lasts based on the battery type and
how you use your PPC-6700. Try the following to help preserve
battery life:
Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Power. On the
Advanced tab, you can specify when your device turns off
to conserve battery power. For optimum conservation,
specify 3 minutes or less.
Use the AC adapter to plug your device into external
power whenever possible, especially when using a miniSD
card or when using a modem or other peripherals.
Adjust the backlight settings.