BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC10200–BMC10299 29
BMC10229E Abend (<abendcode>) occurred during end-of-memory processing.
Explanation: The subsystem end-of-memory resource manager abended during
resource clean-up. <abendcode> indicates the generated abend code.
System Action: The requestor is notified that the request has abended.
User Response: This message provides error-reporting information that may be
required by BMC Software Product Support if you need to report a problem.
BMC10239E Abend (<abendcode>) occurred during allocation processing.
Explanation: The cross-memory environment allocation service ESTAE routine
received control as a result of an abend. <abendcode> indicates the generated abend
System Action: The attempt to connect to the cross-memory environment for the
subsystem is terminated. A non-zero return code is provided to the calling process.
User Response: Attempt to obtain a SLIP dump of this situation, and contact BMC
Software Product Support. The SLIP dump should include the following
specification: SDATA=(RGN,LSQA,NUC,SQA,CSA,LPA).
BMC10250W LPA-module-create request abend <abendcode>. <bmcpid>
Explanation: The request to create a link pack area (LPA) module. <abendcode>
indicates the generated abend code.
System Action: An SVC dump is placed into a SYS1.DUMP data set. The process
requesting the LPA module create service issues a message.
User Response: Save the SVC dump, and contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC10262E <text>, R15(<returncode>). <bmcpid>
Explanation: A service request for an update procedure failed. A non-BMC
Software product may have overlaid the subsystem, or an internal subsystem error
may have occurred. <text> provides message text about the error. <returncode>
indicates the generated return code.
System Action: The service request for an update is cancelled.
User Response: Check for and try to correct any non-BMC Software product that
may have overlaid BMCP. If this is not applicable, contact BMC Software Product