BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC152200–BMC152299 421
BMC152271E Subsystem <subsysid> dynamic logging not available. <subsysid>
Explanation: A job step was started, but the indicated subsystem (subsysid) was
not enabled and active for dynamic logging.
System Action: The job terminates abnormally.
User Response: Enable and activate the subsystem, or change the AES$ssid DD
statement to identify an alternate subsystem.
BMC152272S Subsystem <subsysid> facilities have become unavailable. <subsysid>
performing VSAM logging for an application program execution, but the BMC
Software Consolidated Subsystem (BCSS) has been terminated.
System Action: The job terminates abnormally.
User Response: If you want to use the original BCSS, make the BCSS and its
services available and restart the job step. You can use another BCSS instead, as long
as it uses the same REGISET as the original BCSS.
BMC152299I Backout initiated. Log data set <log data set name>. <subsysid>
Explanation: A VSAM backout has been initiated. The indicated log data set is
used as input to the backout.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.