BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
436 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC153020S <product name> <componentname> initialization could not be
completed,REASON<reasoncode>. <bcssid>
Explanation: An internal logic error has prevented the Application Enhancement
Solutions (AES) product component from being initialized successfully.
<reasoncode> indicates the generated reason code.
System Action: AES product initialization terminates.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC153021S <componentname> down-leveling attempted,
<oldlevel>,<newlevel>,OPB<address>. <bcssid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product
component tried to initialize at an earlier level than was active. The installed product
was created by a set of modules from a more current (or later) maintenance level.
<oldlevel> and <newlevel> indicate the version and modification levels of the
current modules and those being initialized. <address> indicates a control block
System Action: AES component initialization terminates.
User Response: Restore the more current version of the subsystem modules, and
restart the AES product by using the bcssid
REINIT <product name> command.
BMC153024S Service module FVT offset/size<offset/size> not consistent with the
OPB<offset/size>. <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of the component after a
more current version had been initialized. Internal control block and/or module
attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size where the
inconsistency occurred.
System Action: Component initialization terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product
modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC153025S Service module SVT offset/size<offset/size> not consistent with the
OPB<offset/size>. <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of the component after a
more current version had been initialized. Internal control block and/or module
attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size where the
inconsistency occurred.
System Action: Component initialization terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product
modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.