BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
414 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC152115S Load of <module> into the common area failed, R15(<return code>).
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
could not load the specified module into the common area because storage was not
System Action: Initialization terminates.
Explanation: Verify that there is enough space in the common range or extended
common range allocated to run the BMC Software Consolidated Subsystem (BCSS).
Verify the region parameter on the BCSS procedure. If the problem persists, contact
BMC Software Product Support and provide the module and return code values.
BMC152116I New copy of <module> successfully loaded at <load address>.
Explanation: The indicated program module was loaded successfully at the
indicated load address. This message applies to first-time requests. It is not
generated if you reinitialize the Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
BMC152117W THE VSAM LOGGING COMPONENT has not been initialized.
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
has not been reinitialized with the REINIT command. The VSAM component is
System Action: Initialization terminates.
User Response: Reinitialize the VSAM component.
BMC152119E BMC Consolidated Subsystem maintenance level too low. <subsysid>
Explanation: The maintenance level of APPLICATION RESTART CONTROL
(AR/CTL) for VSAM that you are installing requires a higher maintenance level of
the BMC Consolidated Subsystem (BCSS) than is currently on your system.
System Action: Initialization terminates.
User Response: Make sure that you installed BCSS from the same tape as you
installed AR/CTL for VSAM. If you did, contact BMC Software Product Support.