BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC11000–BMC11099 45
BMC11051S <ddname> is not synchronized and has been dropped,
RIBRFLAGS(<errorflag>). <bcssid>
Explanation: A registration data set was not synchronized; the BCSS will not
use the registration data set. This message is preceded by other BMC Software
messages that further explain the problem. <ddname> indicates the DD statement
associated with the registration data set. <errorflag> indicates the generated error
flag, which will assist BMC Software Product Support in determining the reason for
the condition.
System Action: The BCSS initialization process continues.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support if you are not able to
correct the problem using the information obtained from the other BMC Software
BMC11052W Primary registration dataset not provided. <bcssid>
Explanation: You did not provide a primary registration data set during
System Action: The BCSS continues without use of registration data sets.
User Response: If it was not your intent to run without registration data sets,
correct the DD statement during the next initialization.
BMC11053S <ddname>,{TESTCB | SHOWCB} request failed,r15(<returncode>).
Explanation: A VSAM service request failed with a non-zero return code. A
non-BMC Software product may have overlaid the subsystem, or an internal
subsystem error may have occurred. <ddname> indicates the DD statement
associated with the problem. <returncode> indicates the generated return code.
System Action: Processing of the registration data set is bypassed.
User Response: Check for any non-BMC Software product that may have overlaid
BCSS, and attempt correct the problem. If this is not applicable, contact BMC
Software Product Support.