BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC152000–BMC152099 409
BMC152031S Internal error detected by <module>, R0(<feedback code>) R15(<return
code>). <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
detected an internal logic error. The feedback code and return code values are listed.
messages indicate the action taken.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support, and provide the feedback
code and return code values.
BMC152033S Internal Logic error, symptom string(<symptom string>). <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
detected an internal logic error. Diagnostic information is provided in the symptom
string values.
messages indicate the action taken.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support, and provide the symptom
string values.
BMC152091W ESDS data set must be reorganized <rba> <subsysid>
Explanation: During a high-performance entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)
backout operation, the system determined that, for a multi-volume data set, the
correct high-used relative byte address (RBA) points to a volume other than the last
volume on which the data set was allocated.
System Action: High-performance backout continues.
User Response: Reorganize the data set before attempting to extend (add records
to) the data set.
BMC152093E Object is not recoverable <type>. <subsysid>
Explanation: During OPEN processing for a job for which dynamic backout
logging is in effect, APPLICATION RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL) detected a
type of data set for which no recovery is supported:
SPAN SPANNED entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)
PATH PATH defined over an ESDS
AIX native alternate index (AIX) update
System Action: Accompanying AR/CTL messages indicate the action taken.
User Response: To run the job step without allowing for recovery of the named
object, create a data set options member, also known as a file characteristics block
(FCB), that turns off AR/CTL services for the data set. Rerun the job.