14 Getting started
3. Click Sign In. If the system is available, the System Overview page is displayed; otherwise, a message
indicates that the system is unavailable.
Tips for signing in and signing out
• Do not include a leading zero in an IP address. For example, enter not
• Each user has a Monitor or Manage access level, as described in About user accounts on page 15.
Multiple monitor and manage users can be signed in to each controller simultaneously.
• For each active SMU session an identifier is stored in the browser. Depending on how your browser
treats this session identifier, you might be able to run multiple independent sessions simultaneously.
Each instance of Internet Explorer can run a separate SMU session; however, all instances of Firefox
share the same session.
• If you end a SMU session without clicking the Sign Out link near the top of the SMU window, the
session automatically ends when the user's automatic sign-out time expires. If this preference is set to
Never, the session ends after 9999 minutes.
Tips for using the main window
• The Configuration View panel displays logical and physical components of the storage system. To
perform a task, select the component to act on and then either:
• Right-click to display a context menu and select the task to perform. This is the method that help
topics describe.
• Click a task category in the main panel and select the task to perform.
• The System Status panel shows how many events of each severity have occurred in the system. To view
event details, click a severity icon.
• Many tables can be sorted by a specific column. To do so, click the column heading to sort low to high;
click again to sort high to low.
• Do not use the browser's Back, Forward, Reload, or Refresh buttons. SMU is essentially a single page
that is automatically updated to show current data; you do not need to refresh it.
• An asterisk (*) identifies a required setting.
• The icon in the upper right corner of the main window shows the status of communication between
SMU, the Management Controller (MC), and the Storage Controller (SC), as described in the following
• Below the communication status icon, a timer shows how long the session can be idle until you are
automatically signed out. This timer resets after each action you perform. One minute before automatic
sign-out you are prompted to continue using SMU. The timer does not appear if the current user's Auto
Sign Out preference is set to Never.
• If a SMU session is active on a controller and the controller is power cycled or is forced offline by the
partner controller or certain other events occur, the session might hang. SMU might say that it is
“Connecting” but stop responding, or the page may become blank with the browser status Done. After
the controller comes back online, the session will not restart. To continue using SMU, close and reopen
the browser and start a new SMU session.
Table 2 SMU communication status icons
Icon Meaning
SMU can communicate with the Management Controller,
which can communicate with the Storage Controller.
SMU cannot communicate with the Management Controller.
SMU can communicate with the Management Controller,
which cannot communicate with the Storage Controller.