82 SNMP reference
connUnitEventTable Includes the following objects as specified by the FA MIB2.2 Spec
connUnitEventUnitId connUnitId of the connectivity unit
that contains this port
Same as connUnitId
connUnitEventIndex Index into the connectivity unit’s
event buffer, incremented for each
Starts at 1 every time there is a table
reset or the unit’s event table reaches
its maximum index value
connUnitEventId Internal event ID, incremented for
each event, ranging between 0 and
Starts at 0 every time there is a table
reset or connUnitMaxEvents is
connUnitREventTime Real time when the event occurred, in
the following format:
0 for logged events that occurred
prior to or at startup
connUnitSEventTime sysuptime timestamp when the
event occurred
0 at startup
connUnitEventSeverity Event severity level error[5], warning[6] or info[8]
connUnitEventType Type of this event As defined in CAPI
connUnitEventObject Not used 0
connUnitEventDescr Text description of this event Formatted event, including relevant
parameters or values
connUnitLinkTable Not supported N/A
Not supported N/A
connUnitPortStatSCSITable Not supported N/A
connUnitPortStatLANTable Not supported N/A
SNMP TRAPS The following SNMP traps are supported
trapMaxClients Maximum number of trap clients 1
trapClientCount Number of trap clients currently
1 if traps enabled; 0 if traps not
connUnitEventTrap This trap is generated each time an
event occurs that passes the
connUnitEventFilter and the
trapRegTable Includes the following objects per the
FA MIB2.2 Spec
trapRegIpAddress IP address of a client registered for
IP address set through Telnet
trapRegPort User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port
to send traps to for this host
trapRegFilter Settable: Defines the trap severity
filter for this trap host. The
connUnit will send traps to this host
that have a severity level less than or
equal to this value.
Default: warning[6]
Table 10 FA MIB 2.2 objects, descriptions, and values (continued)
Object Description Value