Chapter 2 : Basics 39
You can move to other screens and work in other applications while your
new app downloads in the background. For example, find another app in
App Catalog and start its download while the first download is finishing.
Manage applications
1 Open App Catalog .
2 Tap and tap Applications.
3 Tap the app name.
4 Do one of the following:
• To report a problem with an application: Open the application menu
and tap Report A Problem.
• To read reviews: Tap Reviews on the app details screen.
• To add a review: Tap Reviews on the app details screen and then tap
• To share info about an app: Tap Share on the app details screen and
then tap Email or Text Messag e.
• To delete an application: Open the application menu, tap Delete
Application, and then tap Delete.
• To reinstall a deleted application: Browse to the app (see Browse
applications in App Catalog), tap the app name, and tap Download.
You do not need to buy the app again.
Update downloaded applications
1 Open App Catalog .
2 Tap . The list of your downloaded apps appears. Apps with an
available update display an icon to the right of the app name with a
number and a green arrow.
3 Do one of the following:
• To update one app: Tap the icon to the right of the app name.
• To update all apps: Tap Install Updates.
Set up a billing account
1 Open App Catalog .
2 Do one of the following:
• Tap an app you want to buy, and tap Continue.
• Open the application menu, tap Preferences & Accounts, and tap
Add Account.
3 Enter your Palm profile password and tap Continue.
NOTE If you enter an incorrect Palm profile password three times, a message
appears that explains how you can contact Palm support for help.
4 Tap the credit card type you want to use. Enter your credit card and
billing address details, and tap Submit.
IMPORTANT Your credit card details are not stored on your phone. They are
encrypted and stored in your Palm profile.
5 Ta p OK to verify your email address, or tap Change This Address to
enter a different one. Purchase receipts are sent to the address shown
6 In Password is Required, select one of the following:
Once every 4 hours: You must enter your password the first time you
make a purchase. If you make any other purchases within four hours,
you don’t need to enter your password again. After four hours, you