Panasonic X701 Cell Phone User Manual

1. This warrantyis in additionto and doesnot inany way affectany statutoryor other
rights of consumer purchasers. Thiswarranty appliesto the UnitedKingdom, Isleof
Man & Channel Islands only,for usersin Eire, pleasecontact yourretailer or supplier.
The warranty period is 12months fromdate of purchaseand isapplicable to the
original purchaser only.
2. The productis approved foruse on GSMmobile telephonesystem and shouldonly be
used for normal purposes andin accordancewith the standardoperating instructions.
3. The warrantycovers breakdowns dueto manufacturing ordesign faults;it does not
apply to damage, however caused,wear andtear, neglect, incorrectadjustment or
repair, or to any itemsof alimited natural life.
4. In theevent of failure,please take thefollowing action:
Refer to the instruction bookin orderto identify andpossibly correctthe problem.
If the problem is dueto coverage,reception or billing,please contactyour air time
retailer or service provider whosenumber canbe found fromyour monthlyinvoice.
If you cannot resolve theproblem, contactthe Panasonic Helplineon 08705159159.
Before you telephone have thefollowing informationto hand:
The model and serial numberof yourtelephone, and itsphone number
Your full address and postcode
A copy of your originalinvoice, receiptor bill ofsale forthe purchase ofthe
5. If theproblem cannot beresolved over thetelephone, arrangementswill be madeto
repair the telephone. Remove theSIM fromthe telephone andstore itin a safeplace.
Please pack the telephone suitablefor transit.Including in thepacking:
The mobile telephone
The rechargeable battery
AC Adaptor
A copy of your invoice,receipt orbill of sale.(Note; itis the customersresponsibility
to provide proof of warranty)
6. Panasonic will use reasonable endeavoursto ensure yourtelephone isreturned to you
within a maximum of 5working daysfrom reporting thefault tothe Helpline. Please
note that delays in transitmay beencountered for ChannelIslands, NorthernIreland,
Isle of Man, Scottish Islandsand otherislands.
7. Your soleand exclusive remedyunder this guaranteeagainst usis for therepair, orat
our option the replacement, ofthe product,or any defectivepart orparts. No other
remedy, including, but not limitedto, incidentalor consequential damageor lossof
whatsoever nature shall be availableto thepurchaser.
8. Rechargeable batterieshave a limitednatural life, inorder toprolong their lifethey
should only be used andcharged asshown in theinstruction book.Replacement
batteries may be purchased eitherfrom yourretailer or theHelpline numbershown