BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
About This Manual
This manual explains the messages and abend codes that the Application
Enhancement Solutions (AES) products can issue.
The following formatting conventions are used in this manual to represent message
• Literal information is represented by uppercase characters:
• Variable information is represented by lowercase characters or is enclosed in
less-than and greater-than symbols:
variable text or <variable text>
Note: A note contains important information that you should consider carefully.
Warning! A warning alerts you to situations that could cause a severe problem,
such as loss of data, if you do not carefully consider the information.
Alert! Some AES products generate Alert category messages. An Alert category
message notifies you that this message has been sent to the user ID that was
identified with the Alert User ID option (available in some AES products) in addition
to the MVS operator’s console and the job log data set.