Browser 252
AUG-2.3-103 Android User’s Guide
Security settings
Remember passwords Browser can remember your passwords for some
webpages that require you to sign in, to make it quicker to sign into those pages on
repeat visits. Uncheck to prevent Browser from storing passwords.
Clear passwords Touch to delete any passwords that Browser has stored.
Show security warnings Uncheck to prevent Browser from warning you about
websites with common security problems, such as outdated or invalid certificates.
Advanced settings
Set search engine Opens a dialog where you can select the web search engine
you want to use when you enter web addresses (URLs) or search terms in the URL
box. The search engines available depend on your location. The Microphone icon is
available in the URL box only when you are using the Google search engine.
Website settings Opens a screen where you can view advanced settings for
particular websites.
Reset to default Touch to delete all Browser data, including your browsing history,
cookies, passwords, and bookmarks, and to restore all the Browser settings to their
original values.