Moxa Technologies G2150I Carrying Case User Manual

OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Short Message Commands
Select Cell Broadcast Message Types: +CSCB
Description: This command selects which types of CBMs are to be received by the ME. It is
allowed in both PDU and text modes.
Command syntax: AT+CSCB=<mode>, [ <mids>, [ <dcss> ] ]
Important note: Test read command (AT+CSCB ?) is not supported.
Command Possible responses
Note: Accept SMS-CB types, 15,16,17,50, and 86
in any language
Note: CBMs can be received
+CBM: 10<CR><LF>
Note: CBM length of a received Cell
Broadcast message (SMS-CB), CBM bytes in
PDU mode)
Note: Deactivate the reception of CBMs
Note: CBM reception is completely stopped
Defined values:
The <bm> parameter of +CNMI command controls the message indication.
The activation of CBM reception (<mode>=0) can select only specific Message Identifiers (list
in <mids>) for specific Languages (list in <dcss>), but the deactivation stops any reception of
CBMs (only AT+CSCB=1 is allowed).
Message Identifiers (<mids> parameter) indicates to which type of message identifiers the ME
should listen.
<dcss>: Supported languages
0 German
1 English
2 Italian
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Dutch
6 Swedish
7 Danish
8 Portuguese
9 Finnish
10 Norwegian
11 Greek
12 Turkish
13 Hungarian
14 Polish 32 Czech.
Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers: +WCBM
Description: This specific command is used to read the EF-CBMI SIM file.
Remark: The EF-CBMI file is not used with the +CSCB command.
The application should read this file (using AT+WCBM?) and combine the Message
Identifiers with those required by the application.
Command syntax: AT+WCBM=<mids>
Command Possible responses