HP (Hewlett-Packard) E6380-90019 Cell Phone Accessories User Manual

168 Chapter 6
Configuration - Screens and Control Fields
Flow Control Flow Control
Flow Control
The flow control field is used when sending or receiving serial data.
None disables the Xon/Xoff function.
Xon/Xoff lets the Test Set “talk/listen” to the transceiver to alter
the rate of the data being sent.
Hardware uses the serial port’s RTS and CTS lines to transfer data
at high baud rates.
NOTE Do not turn flow control on (set Flow Cntl to Hardware
in the I/O CONFIGURE screen) for the serial port until
you have a device attached to the port that can respond to
the flow control communications.
Example: You have a printer attached to SERIAL PORT 9.
Before you run any IBASIC software (for example, the
RFTOOLS program), you must make sure that the printer
is properly connected and that its power is turned on.
Operating Considerations
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Baud rates of 38400 and above must use Hardware flow control.
Screen(s) Where Field is Present
Main Menu