Palm 680 Cell Phone User Manual

color-coding in 149
contacts and 57, 60
creating 197
events and 149, 150
memos and 163
naming 197
receiving from Bluetooth
and 176
tasks and 155, 156, 157
Category command 197
category marker 150
Category pick list 150, 151,
CDs 139
Center button 7
certificates 109
bookmarks 112
button defaults 198
contact information 58
default applications 199
email accounts 91
events 149
favorite buttons 63
information 16
owner information 206
passwords 204, 205
personal IDs 202
playlists 142
QuickText phrases 96
screen fonts 194
synchronization defaults
179, 180, 181, 189
synchronization software
web page layouts 110
character entry 32, 34
See also text
character limits
memos 162
text messages 95
character searches 167
charge indicator 7, 12, 13
charger cable 12
smartphone 11, 12, 14
smartphone battery 11–13
charging status 13
chat icon 102, 105
Chat page (Preferences) 103
chat sessions 101, 103
Chat view 101
Choose song button 141
Choose Songs command
circuit-switched data
connections 243
city information 153, 207
City pick list 153
Clear Cache button 117
Clear Cookies button 117
clock 152, 195
See also World Clock
application menus 29
applications 35
pick lists 30
closing applications 238
color palette 130
color preferences 103, 130,
Color Theme Preferences
screen 196
color-coded category marker
color-coding events 149
colored backgrounds 28
command buttons 29
commands. See menu items
completed tasks 155, 156,
completion dates 157
components (smartphone) 1
Compose dialog box 95, 96,
Compress Day View check
box 150