Browser 219
T-Mobile G2 User’s Guide
sites use cookies so you don’t have to log in each time you visit.
Other sites use cookies to remember your preferences. Uncheck to
prevent webpages from storing cookies on your phone.
Clear all cookie data
Touch to delete all cookies from your phone.
Remember form data
Browser remembers what you enter in some form fields on a site and
helps you reenter that text the next time you use that form. Uncheck
to disable this feature.
Clear form data
Touch to delete all the information the Browser remembers about
what you’ve entered in forms.
Enable location
Check to permit websites with location-specific content to ask
whether you want to share your location, using your phone’s location
information. To provide a website with your location, you must also
have location sharing enabled in the Settings application. See
“Privacy settings” on page 330.
Clear location access
Opens a dialog where you can clear the permissions you’ve granted
to websites in the past, to access your location. If those websites
want permission to access your location again, you must grant it
Security settings
Remember passwords
Browser can remember your passwords for some webpages that
require you to log in, to make it quicker to log into those pages on
repeat visits. Uncheck to prevent Browser from storing passwords.
Clear passwords
Touch to delete any passwords that Browser has stored.
Show security warnings
Uncheck to prevent Browser from warning you about websites with
common security problems, such as outdated or invalid certificates.