178 3D. GPS Navigation
Getting Driving Directions
The built-in GPS hardware (when enabled) allows you
to get driving directions to selected locations or
establishments based on your current location.
Using a Physical Address
1. Press > > TeleNav GPS Navigator > Drive
To > Address.
2. Manually enter the new address and receive
driving directions from the GPS network.
– or –
Say It to place a call to the TeleNav™ operator
where you will speak the desired address. This is
similar to calling 411 for directory assistance. (A
fee may be incurred.)
3. Tap Address and then enter information (Address,
City, State/ZIP, and Country) into any of the address
4. Tap Done to initiate your search. If prompted to
select from a list of matches, tap the correct
5. Follow both the onscreen and audio directions.
Distance to next turn
Your location
Current Street location