196 Index
Taking Pictures 104
Zoom 106
Clock 91
Contacts 71–79
Adding a Number 74
Adding to Your Favorites 72
Assigning a Picture 75
Assigning Ringers 75
Creating a New Entry 71
Dialing From 49
Direct Dialing 50
Editing 72
Editing a Number 74
Finding a Phone Number 48
Finding Entries 76
Importing, Exporting, and
Sharing Contacts 78–79
Sending Via Bluetooth 113
Corporate Account
Synchronizing 58–59
Data Roam Guard 130
Data Services 132–165
see also Web
Launching the Web 133
Password 7
Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot 143
User Name 132
Wi-Fi Networks 140
Dialing Options 44
Display Screen 14
Applications 30
Changing Backlight Time 54
Changing Contrast 54
izing Home Screen
Date & Time Display 55
Extended Home Screens 29
Home Screen 28
Icons 14
Language 55
Screen Orientation 37, 55
Email 143–160
Corporate Email (Outlook)
Gmail 144
Emergency Numbers 46
Enhanced 911 (E911) 47
Entering Text 39–41
Editing Text 40
Onscreen Keyboard 39
FCC Notice 190
Feedback Tones 53
Folders 36, 90
Gestures Guide 37
Google Account 41–42
GPS Navigation 173–182
Driving Directions 178
Google Maps 174
TeleNav GPS Navigator 176
GPS Services 173
see Call Log