159 Music
Checking if the song was added as a ringtone
From the Home screen, press MENU and then tap Settings.
On the Settings screen, tap Sound & display > Phone ringtone. The song should
be in the ringtone list and selected.
Sending music using Bluetooth
You can select a song from the Music application’s Library and send it to someone’s
phone or your computer using Bluetooth.
From the Home screen, tap , and then tap Music.
Tap at the bottom-left corner of the screen to go to the Library.
In the Library, select the song that you want to send and then play it back.
On the Playback screen, press MENU and then tap Share > Bluetooth.
In the next few steps, you’ll be asked to turn on Bluetooth on your phone and
connect to the receiving Bluetooth device so the music can be sent. Follow the
steps in “Sending information using Bluetooth” in the Bluetooth chapter.
About the Music widget
You can use the Music widget to play music right from your Home screen. To find out
how you can add this widget to your Home screen, see “Personalizing your Home
screen with widgets” in the Personalizing chapter.