The SAR limit recommended by the
Council of the European Union for
mobile phones used by the public is
2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged
over 10 grams of body tissue. Your
mobile phone SAR value is 0.742
watts/kilogram (0.675 watts/kilograms
according to FCC requirements). Tests
have been performed to ensure that
this limit is not exceeded even when
the phone is operating at its highest
certified power. In use however your
mobile phone may operate at less than
full power because it is designed to
use only sufficient power to communi-
cate with the network.
FCC Notice
This device is compliant with Part 15
of the FCC (Federal Communications
Commission) regulations which is
internationally recognised.
Operation is subject to the following
conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2)
This device must accept any interfer-
ence received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
To maintain compliance with FCC
radio frequency exposure require-
ments, body worn operations are
restricted to belt clips, or similar
accessories that contain no metallic
components and that provide at least
1.5 cm separation between the
device, including its antenna whether
extended or retracted, and the user’s
body. Use of non-Orange approved
accessories may violate FCC radio
frequency exposure requirements. For
more information about radio
frequency exposure, please visit the
FCC website at www.fcc.gov.
Additional Notices
• Music, Java™ games, pictures, or
video images which are protected by
Copyright must not be used for any
purpose other than individual
enjoyment unless suitable permis-
sion has been obtained.
• This mobile phone is equipped with
a camera and can be used to send
or receive photographs or video
images. Be aware of Copyright
issues when using this function.
• Do not use the camera in places
where photography is restricted or
• Sanyo does not guarantee the safety
of data stored in the phone nor
accept responsibility for any
problems resulting from loss of data.
• Several services are dependent on
Network services and may require
purchase and installation before use.
Some services or functions may
differ depending on the type of SIM/
USIM card used in your phone.
Contact Orange for details.
• The contents of this guide are
subject to change without notice.
Safety Precautions Safety Precautions