
9 - 5
See page page 9-5 for information on Using the NFC Demos.
Transferring screen content via NFC
1. Verify NFC is enabled (see page 9-4).
2. Verify Android beam is enabled on the sending terminal.
3. Open the item you want to share (e.g., contact, picture, or Web page).
4. Hold the terminals back to back. The sending terminal emits a sound, the screen image shrinks, and
the message, “Touch to beam” displays.
Note: Both terminals must be unlocked for NFC tag detection. If sound is muted, the terminal vibrates when
an NFC tag is detected.
5. Touch the reduced screen image to initiate the transfer. The receiving terminal displays the
transferred content.
Note: If an active network connection is present, Android Market™ opens if the item received requires an app
not installed on the device.
Using the NFC Demos
Honeywell NFC Demos demonstrate the basic NFC capabilities of the terminal and are not intended as
a functional business solution. Detailed information on how to create custom applications for your
Dolphin terminal is provided in the Software Development Kit (SDK), available for download at
Note: Honeywell NFC Demo are designed for use with NFC equipped Dolphin 70e Black models only. Before using
the demos, you must enable NFC functionality on the terminal (see page 9-4).
NFC Tag Demo
The NFC Tag Demo demonstrates basic NFC tag reading and writing using the terminal. Three options
are available under the demo: Read a tag, Write a contact, and Write a message. Read a tag demon-
strates how the terminal reads and displays data from NFC tags placed in close proximity to the back of
the terminal. Write a contact and Write a message demonstrates how you can write (save) data to a
writable or rewritable NFC tag. The data is then displayed whenever the NFC tag is read.
Touch All Apps > Demos . Swipe right to scroll to NFC Demos, and then touch to open the
To Read a tag:
1. Touch NFC Tag Demo from inside the NFC Demos app.
2. Touch Read a tag .
3. Hold the NFC tag close to the back of the terminal. An “NFC Tag Detected” notification displays on
the screen with the raw data contained in the tag.
Note: The terminal must be unlocked for NFC tag detection.
To Write a contact on an NFC tag: