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China RoHS
Pacemakers, Hearing Aids and Other Electrically Powered Devices
Most manufacturers of medical devices adhere to the IEC 601-1-2 standard. This standard requires
devices to operate properly in an EM Field with a strength of 3V/m over a frequency range of 26 to
1000MHz. The maximum allowable field strength emitted by the Dolphin terminal is 0.3V/m according to
Subpart B of Part 1 of the FCC rules. Therefore, the RF from the Dolphin terminal has no effect on
medical devices that meet the IEC specification.
Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)
Dolphin 70e Black models 70eLGN and 70eLG0 have been tested for hearing aid compatibility. These
devices have an M4 and T4 rating. For additional HAC information, including the HAC rating for this
product, please refer to www.honeywellaidc.com.
When some wireless devices are used near some hearing devices such as hearing aids and implants,
users may detect a buzzing or humming noise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to
this interference noise. Wireless devices may also vary in the amount of interference they generate.
The ratings for compatibility of digital wireless devices with hearing aids are described in the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) C63.19 standard:
M-Rating: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to generate less interference
with hearing devices than phones that are not labeled. M4 is the superior/higher of the two ratings.
T-Rating: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to be more usable with hearing
devices' telecoil than unrated phones. T4 is the superior/higher of the two ratings.
The more immune the hearing aid device is, the less likely one is to experience interference noise from
the wireless phone. Hearing aid devices may also be rated. Adding the ratings of the hearing aid and the
phone would determine probable usability:
• Any combined rating equal to or greater than six offers the best use.
• Any combined rating equal to five is considered normal use.
有毒有害物质名称及含量 (Names and Content of Hazardous Substances or Elements)
部件名称 (Parts Name) 有毒有害物质或元素 (Toxic and Hazardous Substances or Elements)
铅(Pb) 汞(Hg) 镉(Cd)
多溴联苯(PBB) 多溴二苯醚(PBDE)
成像式条码阅读器 (Imager)
印刷电路板 (PCB)
主机及基座外壳 (Housing)
连线 (Cables)
液晶显示器 (LCD)
液晶显示器框架 (LCD Frame)
相机模组 (Camera)
按键 (Key)
电池 (Battery)
电源供应器 (Power Adapter)
o: 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求以下 (Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous
materials for this part is below the limit requirement in China’s SJ/T11363-2006.)
x: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求 (Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the
homogeneous materials for this part is above the limit requirement in China’s SJ/T11363-2006. )