: Allows you to create a new folder.
: Allows you to move files and folders to another folder.
: Allows you to copy files and folders to another folder.
: Allows you to delete files and folders.
Tap the Menu Key
(in the Front Touch Key bar) to access the following
Sort by: Allows you to sort files and folders by Name, Size, Date, or
View by: Allows you to display your files as a List or in a Grid.
Share: Allows you to select files and folders to share with others.
Zip: Allows you to select files and folders to compress into a .zip file.
Show/Hide hidden files: Allows you to show hidden files or hide
Exit: Exits the application.
Searching in File Manager
Tap the Search icon (in the top right corner of the File Manager screen)
to search for your files or information.
Using QSlide
While viewing All Files, tap the QSlide icon to open File Manager in a
QSlide window.