3. Tap the setting you want.
Search engine
Sets your default search engine for searching the internet.
1. From the Chrome application, tap the Menu Key
(in the Front Touch
Keys bar) > Settings > Search engine.
2. Tap the search engine you want to use.
Autofill forms
Use the autofill feature to fill in web forms with a single tap.
Enable or disable autofill
1. From the Chrome application, tap the Menu Key
(in the Front Touch
Keys bar) > Settings > Autofill forms.
2. Tap the Autofill forms switch
at the top of the screen to toggle it
On (blue) or Off (grey).
Manage your autofill entries
From the Chrome application, tap the Menu Key
(in the Front Touch
Keys bar) > Settings > Autofill forms.
Tap Add profile to add your personal information such as company,
address, etc.
Tap Add credit card to add a new credit card.
Edit an entry by tapping the profile in the list. Tap Save at the bottom
of the screen when you’ve finished updating.
Delete an entry by tapping the profile in the list. Tap Delete at the
bottom of the screen to remove the entry.
NOTE Access the Privacy setting to clear your autofill entries.
Save passwords
You can let Chrome remember your passwords for the sites you use.