You can perform the following IPv6 operations on the controller:
l "Configuring IPv6 Addresses" on page 131
l "Configuring IPv6 Static Neighbors" on page 132
l "Configuring IPv6 Default Gateway and Static IPv6 Routes" on page 133
l "Managing Controller IP Addresses" on page 133
l "Configuring Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)" on page 134
l "Debugging an IPv6 Controller" on page 135
l "Provisioning an IPv6 AP" on page 135
You can also view the IPv6 statistics on the controller using the following commands:
l show datapath ip-reassembly ipv6: View the IPv6 contents of the IP Reassembly statistics table.
l show datapath route ipv6: View datapath IPv6 routing table.
l show datapath route-cache ipv6: View datapath IPv6 route cache.
l show datapath tunnel ipv6: View the tcp tunnel table filtered on IPv6 entries.
l show datapath user ipv6: View datapath IPv6 user statistics such as current entries, pending deletes, high
water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and maximum link length.
l show datapath session ipv6: View datapath IPv6 session entries and statistics such as current entries,
pending deletes, high water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and maximum
link length.
Additionally, you can view the IPv6 AP information on the controller using the following show commands:
l show ap database
l show ap active
l show user
l show ap details ip6-addr
l show ap debug
The following table gives the list of features that are supported and not supported on IPv6 APs:
Features Supported on IPv6 APs?
Forward Mode - Tunnel Yes
Forward Mode - Decrypt Tunnel No
Forward Mode - Bridge No
Forward Mode - Split Tunnel No
AP Type - CAP Yes
AP Type - RAP No
AP Type - Mesh Node No
Table 37:
IPv6 APs Support Matrix
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