
474 | SecureEnterpriseMesh DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Next, assign the remote mesh points with the same mesh cluster profile, 802.11a and 802.11g RF management
profiles, and mesh radio profile as the remote mesh portal. If you have defined an AP group for all your remote mesh
points, you can just assign the required profiles to the remote mesh point AP group. Otherwise, you must assign the
required profiles to each individual remote AP.
Selecting a Mesh Radio Profile
Use the following procedure to select a mesh radio profile for a remote mesh AP or AP group:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration window. Select either the AP Group or AP
Specific tab.
l If you selected AP Group, click the Edit button by the AP group to which you want to assign a new mesh
radio profile.
l If you selected AP Specific, click the Edit button by the AP to which you want to assign a new mesh radio
2. Under the Profiles list, expand the Meshmenu, then select Mesh radio profile.
3. In the Profile Details window pane, click the Mesh radio profile drop-down list and select the desired mesh
radio profile from the list.
4. Click Apply. The profile name appears in the Mesh Radio Profile list with your configured settings. If you
configure this for the AP group, this profile also becomes the selected radio profile used by the mesh portal for
your mesh network.
Selecting an RF Management Profile
Use the following procedure to select an RF management profile for a remote mesh AP or AP group:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration window. Select either the AP Group or AP
Specific tab.
l If you selected AP Group, click the Edit button by the AP group name to which you want to assign a new
802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile.
l If you selected AP Specific, click the Edit button by the AP to which you want to assign a new 802.11a or
802.11g RF management profile
2. Under the Profiles list, expand the RF managementmenu.
3. To select a 802.11a radio profile for an AP or AP group, click 802.11a radio profile. In the Profile Details
window pane, click the 802.11a radio profile drop-down list and select the desired profile from the list
To select a 802.11g radio profile for an AP or AP group, click 802.11g radio profile. In the Profile Details
window pane, click the 802.11g radio profile drop-down list and select the desired profile from the list
4. Click Apply. The profile name appears in the Profile list with your configured settings. If you configure this for
the AP group, this profile also becomes the selected 802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile used by the
mesh portal for your mesh network.
NOTE: For more information on configuring and managing 802.11a and 802.11g radio profiles, see "802.11a and 802.11g RF
Management Profiles" on page 424.
Adding a Mesh Cluster Profile
Use the following procedure to add a mesh cluster profile to a remote mesh AP or AP group:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration window. Select either the AP Group or AP
Specific tab.