
796 | RF Plan DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Launching the RF Plan
This section describes how to launch the RF Plan and enter information in RF Plan windows.
To launch RF Plan from the WebUI, click the Plan tab in the WebUI menu bar. When you launch the RF Plan, the
browser window displays the Campus List page.
Campus List Page
The Campus List is the first page you see when you start RF Plan. This list contains a default campus and any
campus you have defined using the RF Plan software.
Figure 362: Plan>Campus List Window
You may add, edit, and delete campuses using this page. You may also import and export campus information. Table
363 details the buttons on the Campus page.
Buttons Description
New Campus Use this button to create a new campus.
Browse Campus Use this button to edit existing campuses from the campus list. To edit a campus, select the
checkbox next to the campus name, then click Browse Campus. When you edit a campus, you can
access other RF Plan pages.
Rename Campus Use this button to rename an existing campus in the list. To rename a campus, select the checkbox
next to the campus name, then click Rename Campus.
A dialog box appears into which you enter the new name of the campus. Click OK to accept the new
name, or click Cancel to exit this action.
Delete Campuses Use this button to delete existing campuses in the list. To delete a campus, select the checkbox next
to the building ID, then click Delete Campuses.
You can only delete empty campuses. If you attempt to delete a campus that contains one or more
buildings, an error message appears.
Export Use this button to export a database file with all the specifications and background images of one or
more selected campuses in the list. See "Exporting and Importing Files" on page 813.
Import Use this button to import database files that define campuses into the RF Plan list. See "Exporting
and Importing Files" on page 813.
Table 363:
Definition of Campus List Buttons