
Mesh Clusters
Mesh clusters are similar to an Extended-Service Set (ESS) in a WLAN infrastructure. A mesh cluster is a logical set
of mesh nodes that share the common connection and security parameters required to create mesh links. Mesh
clusters are grouped and defined by a mesh cluster profile, as described in “Mesh Cluster Profile”.
Mesh clusters may enforce predictability in mesh networking by limiting the amount of concurrent mesh points, hop
counts, and bandwidth used in the mesh network. A mesh cluster can have multiple mesh portals and mesh points
that facilitate wireless communication between wired LANs. Mesh portals in a mesh cluster do not need to be on
the same VLAN. Figure 126 shows two mesh clusters and their relationship to the controller.
Figure 126: Sample Mesh Clusters
Understanding Mesh Links
In simple terms, the mesh link is the data link between a mesh point and its parent. A mesh point uses the
parameters defined in the mesh cluster, specifically the mesh cluster profile, to establish a mesh link with a
neighboring mesh point. The mesh link uses a series of metrics to establish the best path to the mesh portal.
NOTE: Through out the rest of this chapter, the term “uplink” is also used to distinguish the active association between a mesh point
and its parent.
The following list describes how mesh links are created.
l Creating the initial mesh link
When creating the initial mesh link, mesh points look for others advertising the same MSSID as the one
contained in its mesh cluster profile. The mesh point scans the channels in its provisioned band of operation to
identify a list of neighbors that match its mesh cluster profile. The mesh point then selects the from highest
priority neighbors based on the least expected path cost.
If no provisioned mesh cluster profile is unavailable, mesh points use the recovery profile to establish an uplink. If
multiple cluster profiles are configured. mesh points search in order of priority their list of provisioned backup
mesh cluster profiles to establish an uplink. If the configured profiles are unavailable after searching for 5 minutes,
the recovery profile is used.
l Moving to a better mesh link
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide SecureEnterpriseMesh | 441