
Data Units (PDUs) comprised of selected type-length-value (TLV) elements. For a complete list of supported, see
Table 315 and Table 317.
LLDP-MED (media endpoint devices) is an extension to LLDP that supports interoperability between VoIP and
video streaming devices and other networking clients. LLDP-MED network policy discovery lets end-points and
network devices advertise the VLAN, priority levels, and DSCP values used by a voice or video application.
In the WebUI
Use the procedure below to configure the LLDP and LLDP-MED profiles and select the TLVs to be sent by the AP.
1. Navigate to the Configuration > AP Configuration page. Select either the AP Group tab or AP Specific tab.
n If you selected AP Group, click Edit by the AP group name for which you want to enable LLDP.
n If you selected AP Specific, select the name of the AP for which you want to enable LLDP.
2. In the Profiles window, expand AP, then expand the Ethernet interface port configuration profile for the port
for which you want to configure LLDP.
3. Select the AP LLDP Profile.
Figure 314: AP LLDP Profile Details
4. The AP LLDP profile is divided into two tabs, Basic and Advanced. The Basic tab displays only those
configuration settings that often need to be adjusted to suit a specific network. The Advanced tab shows all
configuration settings, including settings that do not need frequent adjustment or should be kept at their default
values. If you change a setting on one tab then click and display the other tab without saving your configuration,
that setting will revert to its previous value. Both basic and advanced settings are described in Table 162.
5. Configure the LLDP profile parameters as desired then click
Parameter Description
Basic Settings
PDU Transmission Select this checkbox to enable LLDP PDU Transmission. PDU Transmission is enabled
by default.
Reception of LLDP PDUs Select this checkbox to enable LLDP PDU Reception. PDU Reception is enabled by
Advanced Settings
Transmit Interval (seconds) The interval between LLDP TLV transmission seconds. The supported range is 1-3600,
seconds and the default value is 30 seconds.
Transmit hold multiplier The Transmit hold multiplier is a value that is multiplied by the transmit interval to
determine the number of seconds to cache learned LLDP information before that
Table 315:
LLDP Profile Configuration Parameters
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