
Acronym Definition
NTP Network Time Protocol
OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OKC opportunistic key caching
OSPF open shortest path first
OUI organizationally unique identifier
PAC protected access credential
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PAPI proprietary access protocol interface
PFS perfect forward secrecy
PHB per hop behavior
PIN personal identification number
PKI public key infrastructure
PMK pairwise master key
PoE power over ethernet
PSK pre-shared key
PPPoE point-to-point protocol over ethernet
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PVST per VLAN spanning tree
QoS quality of service
RADIUS remote authentication dial-in user service
RAP remote AP
REGEX region with the regular expression
RF radio frequency
RFID radio frequency identification
RoW rest of world
RSSI received signal strength indication
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide Acronymsand Terms | 861