
699 | VoiceandVideo DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
n DSCP mapping for WMM voice AC—DSCP used to map voice traffic
n DSCP mapping for WMM video AC—DSCP used to map video traffic
n DSCP mapping for WMM best-effort AC—DSCP used to map best-effort traffic
n DSCP mapping for WMM background AC—DSCP used to map background traffic
7. Click Apply.
The following enhancements have been made to the WMM-DSCP mapping functionality:
l When a controller is upgraded to 6.2 version from an older version, the default as well as the user configured
WMM-DSCP mappings in the existing SSID profiles are retained.
l Default mappings are not there for a newly created SSID profile and for a factory default controller running 6.2
l If the mapping has no value, the original DSCP for upstream traffic is retained.
l The maximum number of values that can be configured for WMM-DSCP is 8.
l For the upstream traffic, if the mapping exists and incoming DSCP value matches one of the mapped values
then the DSCP value is retained
l For the upstream traffic, if the mapping exists and incoming DSCP value does not match any of the mapped
values then the DSCP value is overwritten with the first value in the WMM- DSCP list
l For Wireless to Wireless Traffic: If the AC of the incoming packet has no mapping and the incoming DSCP
value is mapped to a different AC, then the DSCP value is retained and WMM priority is changed to the
corresponding AC where incoming DSCP is mapped.
Using the CLI to map between WMM AC and DSCP
wlan ssid-profile <profile>
wmm-be-dscp <best-effort>
wmm-bk-dscp <background>
wmm-vi-dscp <video>
wmm-vo-dscp <voice>
Configuring DSCP Priorities
You can configure DSCP priorities for WMM packets in the following ways:
l Configure the DSCP mappings in the SSID profile
l Set a ToS value in the ACL
l Set the ToS value as well as the 802.1p priority in the ACL
Setting a ToS value in the ACL overrides the default DSCP mappings configured in the SSID profile. Configuring a
DSCP priority in both the L2 and L3 header prioritizes the WMM packets with the higher value.
For example, we can have different ToS values set for different voice traffic in a network. To prioritize all of them in
the voice queue, we can set the 802.1p priority to voice.
Consider a deployment where Cisco Softphone, Lync, and Scopia are configured with the following DSCP :
l Cisco Softphone - DSCP 46
l Lync - DSCP 44
l Scopia - DSCP 42
In the absence of doing anything, all of the DSCP above would map into the Video queue. To map all the traffic
into Voice queue you can do the following ACL configuration:
wlan ssid-profile VOICE
wmm-vo-dscp 46
ip access-list session VOICE