589 | Spectrum Analysis DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Fi interfering devices. Unlike the ACI shown in the Interference Power chart, the ACI shown in this graph indicates the percentage of
channel time that is occupied by ACI or unavailable for Wi-Fi communication due to ACI.
The Channel Metrics graph can also show channel availability, the percentage of each channel that is available for
use, or display the current relative quality of selected channels in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio bands. Spectrum
monitors can display data for all channels in their selected band. Hybrid APs display data for their one monitored
channel only.
In the spectrum analysis feature, channel quality is a relative measure that indicates the ability of the channel to
support reliable Wi-Fi communication. Channel quality, which is represented as a percentage in this chart, is a
weighted metric derived from key parameters that can affect the communication quality of a wireless channel,
including noise, non-Wi-Fi (interferer) utilization and duty-cycles, and certain types of retries. Note that channel
quality is not directly related to Wi-Fi channel utilization, as a higher quality channel may or may not be highly
When you hover your mouse over any bar in the chart, a tooltip displays the metric value for that individual channel.
The example below shows that 61% of channel 3 is being consumed by non-Wi-Fi devices and 802.11 adjacent
channel interference.
Figure 209: Channel Metrics Graph
Table 210 describes the parameters that can be displayed in the Channel Metrics graph. Click the down arrow in the
upper right corner of this chart then click the Options menu to access these configuration settings. Once you have
configured the desired parameters, click OK at the bottom of the Options menu to save your settings and return to
the spectrum dashboards.
Parameter Description
Band Radio band displayed in this graph.
For spectrum monitor radios using the 5 GHz radio band, click the Band drop-down list and select 5
GHz upper, 5GHz middle or 5Ghz lowerto display data for that portion of the 5Ghz radio band. This
parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs or spectrum monitor radios that use
Table 210:
Channel Metrics Options